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Vegano Sin Gluten

Gluten-free bread recipes

We understand you, we have also suffered first-hand the uncomfortable moment in which you are told that you should abandon any food that contains gluten.

That is why we have decided to make things a little easier for you with various types of preparations that you can incorporate into your day to day without problem: shakes, smoothies, unconventional salads, snacks, sweets …

… And those that are yet to come …

Yes, as you will see we are growing, so be patient, little by little we will add more recipes.

But we know that there is something that as a celiac you miss: bread. A good crusty bread, a toast, a sandwich … At the moment we have not found the perfect recipe for gluten-free bread to be the same as conventional bread without using bakery preparations, but we have some of them that are worth trying.

Why don’t we use bakery mixes?

We have tried some preparations, we will not deny it. However, we don’t like the taste or some of the ingredients they are made of.

If you are one of those who take care of your diet a little, you will avoid artificial sugars and preservatives. Baking mixes include these and other unhealthy ingredients in order to improve the texture and flavour of the bread you will get as a result.

For this reason, we have tried different homemade gluten-free bread recipes and we have not obtained a good result with them all.

The recipes that you will find here are proven: the result is delicious. We anticipate that they differ a lot from the usual wheat bread, but you will like them.

Later we will also include other types of recipes with flour (always gluten-free) such as pizza dough and in the sweets section you will find some that may interest you.

So stock your pantry with rice, corn, chickpea or quinoa flours, because… we’re off!